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When was the last time you visited a doctor for a cardiac exam? Perhaps you, like many other people, belong to the category of persons who do not consider it necessary to undergo regular examinations. According to the WHO – diseases of the cardiovascular system occupy one of the first places among the causes of death worldwide. Given all this, it is difficult to underestimate the importance of regular examinations and a visit to the doctor can be a good idea. Remember that it is always easier to prevent the development of the disease than to cure it.




Early diagnosis of heart and vascular disease

Regular check-ups of the cardiovascular system help to detect risk factors that can lead to the development of diseases. Understanding the level of risk makes it possible to adjust lifestyle and prevent the development of pathology. In situations where the disease has already developed, timely screening helps to prescribe treatment in time and avoid the development of dangerous complications.

The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends some screening tests starting at age 20.

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    People at risk are those with:

    иконка галочки high blood pressure;  

    иконка галочки high blood cholesterol;  

    иконка галочки with high blood sugar;  

    иконка галочки overweight and obese;  

    иконка галочки certain habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol;  

    иконка галочки sedentary lifestyle.  

    Symptoms that suggest the need for a cardiac checkup appointment:

    иконка галочки chest pain; 

    иконка галочки slow or rapid heartbeat;  

    иконка галочки shortness of breath;  

    иконка галочки dizziness;  

    иконка галочки fatigue; 

    иконка галочки swelling of the legs or abdomen.  


A timely cardiac checkup can save your life. To make an appointment for a check-up, all you need to do is leave your contacts and answer the call of a coordinator. MediGlobus will organise the rest for you. Your trip to the cardiac checkup will be calm and predictable.

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There are a fairly large number of features and indicators to which experts pay attention during the diagnosis. Diagnostic criteria include both physical tests and anamnesis, as well as laboratory and instrumental research methods.


    Family History. If your family members suffer from cardiovascular diseases, you are in a high-risk zone due to genetic predisposition. Your doctor may ask questions about your family members, your lifestyle and habits. Hypodynamia (sedentary lifestyle), unhealthy diet, alcohol and smoking significantly increase the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

    Hs-CRP test. High-sensitivity C-reactive protein testing identifies the presence of inflammation or infection associated with an increased risk of heart attack.


    Cholesterol. During laboratory tests, great attention will be paid to assessing the levels of lipids and their fractions. The analysis combining all important lipid parameters is also called a lipidogram or lipid profile. It includes indicators of total cholesterol, triglycerides, lipoproteins of high, low, very high and very low density, as well as atherogenic level. Lipid imbalance increases the risk of atherosclerosis. Among other things, being overweight is one of the dangerous risk factors for cardiac pathology.

    Blood glucose and glycated hemoglobin. One of the most important indicators of carbohydrate metabolism of the body and markers of diabetes. Diabetes mellitus is a separate disease, but its presence significantly increases the risk of developing heart disease. To reliably evaluate the results of this test, the doctor may ask you not to eat at least 8 hours before the test. The test is administered to all patients over 40 years of age.


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The list of necessary cardiac tests that are performed abroad include:


    иконка галочки electrocardiogram;  

    иконка галочки Holter monitoring;  

    иконка галочки echocardiography;  

    иконка галочки coronarography;  

    иконка галочки MR angiography;  

    иконка галочки nuclear stress test;  

    иконка галочки Cardiac CT scan.


    Electrocardiogram (ECG) – study records the electrical impulses occurring in the heart and propagate through it, causing a reduction in the myocardium. A cardiogram shows rhythm and conduction disturbances and is one of the primary non-invasive studies that help suspect abnormalities in the organ. The duration of this study is not more than 5-10 minutes. The cardiogram can be carried out both at rest and after exercise (exercise cardiac tests).

Personalised cardiological examination programme abroad


    An echocardiogram is a non-invasive study that consists of assessing the state of the myocardium, valves, and other cardiac structures using ultrasound.

    MR angiography is a non-invasive study using an MRI machine. This study uses magnetic radiation to assess the state of the heart and coronary vessels. It is used as an alternative to angiography (with contraindications for angiography or contrast intolerance), but often it does not have such a high diagnostic value.


Cardiac checkup can help prevent heart and vascular disease

    Nuclear stress test. A doctor injects a small amount of radioactive dye that travels through the bloodstream to the heart. Using a CT scan or MRI, the specialist takes pictures when the patient is resting and after exercise. The test allows you to see how blood flows to the heart in different states.


    Cardiac CT to determine calcium levels. Electrodes are attached to the patient’s chest and the patient is placed in a CT scanner. In this way, the doctor creates images of the patient’s heart, assesses its electrical activity and checks for plaques in the coronary arteries.


    Coronary angiography is an invasive study, the gold standard for diagnosing coronary artery disease and myocardial blood supply disorders. The procedure is carried out in a hospital. In an intervention, the doctor passes a catheter with a contrast agent in the patient’s vascular system. This procedure is carried out under the control of X-rays.

    Holter monitoring is the same cardiogram but lasts from 24 to 72 hours. During the study, the patient connects to a portable device that records the electrical activity of the heart. This type of cardiogram is assigned to diagnose rhythm disturbances that could not be detected during a normal ECG. During the study, the doctor may ask to keep a detailed diary. So a specialist will be able to assess the reaction of the heart to daily, routine activity.


Depending on your state of health, the doctor may include additional tests. A personalised programme will be drawn up for you, taking into account your age and co-morbidities. The examination is carried out to ensure that you get the most out of it.

Make an appointment at the clinic


You leave a request on our website and our expert will contact you within 30 minutes. Together you decide on the clinic and the date of the examination. If you have medical documents, send them to us and we will forward them to the clinic.


    Interesting fact. Cooperating with MediGlobus, you save time on receiving a response from the clinic – our representatives are answered 2 times faster!  


Our coordinators contact the clinic directly to schedule an appointment. You buy your tickets for that day and arrive at the airport at the right time. A hospital representative is already waiting for you at the airport. You will be transferred directly to the clinic. An interpreter will accompany you on the hospital grounds.

Everything you need to know about cardiac screening


Upon arrival at the clinic, you will undergo all necessary cardiological examinations. You can rest between procedures in your own comfortable room. All procedures may take from 1 to 2 days. On the third day, you meet with a cardiologist, who explains the results of diagnostics and gives you lifestyle recommendations.

A cardiac checkup can be completed in a weekend and reap enormous benefits. Submit a request and get help from our expert. We will be in touch with you 24/7.

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If you do not suffer from cardiovascular diseases, screening tests are recommended from the age of 20 and onwards. The frequency of examinations depends on the presence of risk factors.


    иконка галочки If the blood pressure is within 120/80 mm Hg, a prophylactic cardiologic examination should be performed no more than once every two years.  

    иконка галочки Cholesterol levels should be evaluated every 4–6 years for patients with a normal level of risk. Blood sugar should be evaluated at least once every three years for healthy people.  

    иконка галочки In the presence of symptoms of a cardiovascular disease, the patient should undergo regular comprehensive cardiological examinations at least once a year.  

    иконка галочки Patients with diagnosed cardiovascular disease may be prescribed certain diagnostic tests every six months, depending on the degree of disease progression.  

Leading hospitals for heart screening

    A cardiac checkup in a JCI-accredited Turkish hospital will take 2 to 3 days. The patient is guaranteed impeccable service and accurate results. Upon request, it is possible to start treatment with a qualified specialist immediately.


    It is a specialised cardiology centre. The hospital is located in Lithuania. It offers individual checkup programmes for men and women. Young people from 20 years of age and elderly people over 65 years of age can undergo an accurate checkup.


    The Cardiology Centre has been in operation since 2007. If your caridoscopy reveals abnormalities, the clinic’s specialists can help you. Advanced cardiac surgery methods are available here: TAVI aortic valve replacement, MIDCAB-OP and OPCAB operations.


    Here you can make an appointment for a consultation with renowned cardiologists: Pawel Buszman, Andrzej Bochenek, Radosław Stefan Kesz. This hospital is trusted by more than 6,000 patients all over the world.

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    иконка галочкиCardiac checkups should be performed at least every two years in order to recognise the onset of cardiac pathology in time. 

    иконка галочкиPeople who are overweight, have unhealthy habits and sedentary lifestyles should first of all consider a cardiological examination. Acute heart pain, shortness of breath, a feeling of pinching and squeezing in the chest are signs that the health of the cardiovascular system should be assessed. 

    иконка галочкиDuring the cardiac checkup process, doctors evaluate the patient’s medical history, family history, cholesterol and blood glucose levels.  

    иконка галочки A standard cardiac checkup programme includes ECG, Echo ECG, Holter monitoring, MR angiography, coronary angiography, stress test and cardiac CT scan.  

    иконка галочкиCardiological examination abroad takes up to 3 days. The patient is offered a personalised examination programme that takes into account gender, age, medical history and risks of developing specific heart and vascular diseases. 

    иконка галочкиRegular visits to a cardiologist are recommended for everyone over the age of 20. Visits every two years are mandatory for people over 40 years of age.  

    иконка галочки You can have a cardiological examination at the Turkish Liv Hospital, the Lithuanian Kardiolita Hospital, the German Koln Clinic or the American Heart of Poland (AHOP) clinics. 

ЗAsk your questions to our experts about cardiac checkup in foreign clinics. We have the most reliable and up-to-date information directly from the clinics!

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  1. 1. World Health Organisation
  2. 2.American Heart Association

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